Friday, September 23, 2011

Brewers win the pennant!

                Off the record, glad we signed Braun to that giant contract and aren't willing to overpay Prince as much as he wants.  The tape measure, jaw-dropping, excessive distance homeruns are great, but it's just one run.  Like a layup compared to a dunk.  I'll miss the big fat lug, but I want someone who shows a little more commitment.  My Milwaukee sports teams are like  the beautiful girls I'd marry on the spot.  You need to be as good to them as they should be to you.  No flings.
               Dreams are pretty good inspiration.  I had one yesterday where I was in an abandoned castle with this columbine type of guy, a misunderstood kid who thought he had no option but to use his shotgun on all of his house guests.  We were friends, for some reason, he must have recognized something of himself in me.  Or, I wasn't going to spread the news he had killed all of his party guests.  Or, maybe I was a loyal companion.   The logic of dreams.  After all o these deaths, he dropped the gun but I foolishly reminded him to pick it up "Sir, your gun".   We piloted his plane, the run way was an extended dirt trail between mountains and trees.  It probably would have been a nightmare f I wasn't looking for inspiration.  This has to be an active pursuit.
              The Ray Bradbury book showed up.  His first point was that a writer has to write every day.  We're responsible for creating art to sacrifice in honor of our animation.  "Life is a priveledge."  He puts it more elegantly.  "You must stay drunk on writing so the world cannot destroy you."
             Just having a good day in general seems like enough reason for people to be drawn in to you.  They don't seem to notice that anything has changed.  It's a tacitly understood collective unconscious yadda yadda thing.  It also becomes more apparent when people are being passive aggressive dicks when you're having a good day.  If you're having a bad day those sort of subtle little things don't pop up.  I must have been having a bad year, maybe. 
            Better meet a good girl soon to keep my time focused!  I'll move to Nebraska. 

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